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statistics of Casa del Jazz

Casa del Jazz managed by the Musica per Roma Foundation is an asset confiscated from the mafia. Venue for jazz concerts, in these first 15 years of activity it has hosted the greatest Italian and international jazz musicians.
Viale di Porta Ardeatina 55
February 20253,847
January 20258,495
December 20242,718
November 20245,664
October 202415,283
September 202416,921
August 20245,616
July 202410,202
June 202425,491
May 202411,665
April 202411,423
March 20241,739
February 20241,014
January 20246,799
December 20232,725
November 20231,889
October 20231,602
September 20233,327
August 20233,737
July 2023401

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