CD: Babbelou

Babbelou / Adi Becker

Adi Becker

release date: 19 Jul 2022
Babbelou / Adi Becker

ensembles and musicians:

Adi Becker
Frédéric Martin
Frédéric Martin
Baßposaune, trombone
Bert Conzen
Uli Launhardt
trombone, tuba
Johannes Müller
Johannes Müller
saxophone, tenor sax
Gerit von Stockhausen
Gerit von Stockhausen
Woodwinds, Composition, Jazz Arts, Education
Georg Böhme
Georg Böhme
Baritonsax, Kleinholz
Dave Vreuls
Vincent Nam
Roland Büttgen
Fritz Roppel
Fritz Roppel
double bass
Thomas Lieven
Martin Esser

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