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cds by Uwe Oberg

Uwe Oberg
'A remarkable musician, who has developed an unique sound as an free improvising sound-explorer as well as a Jazz-improvisor' (Peter Niklas Wilson).

The German pianist Uwe Oberg (*1962/Offenbach) started playing piano at the age of seven, moved in the early 80s from popular music to Jazz and joined in 1986 the KOOPERATIVE NEW JAZZ / ARTist Wiesbaden, an association of improvising musicians.

In December 2007 Oberg received the award HESSISCHER JAZZPREIS.
Uwe Oberg
Full Bloom
Full Bloom(01/2010)
Uwe Oberg / Evan Parker
Lacy Pool
Lacy Pool(01/2009)
Uwe Oberg / Christof Thewes / Michael Griener
Uwe Oberg Quartett
Uwe Oberg

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