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Statistics of Tom Harrell

Tom Harrell
Tom Harrell has steadily built a reputation over the past twenty years as a top-notch composer as well as one of the more talented and musical players of his instrument.
His family moved to the San Francisco Bay Area when he was five. Tom first picked up the trumpet when he was eight and began jamming locally with professional bands at 13. After playing with the Jazz Workshop in the late 60s, Harrell toured with the Stan Kenton and Woody Herman bands.
Tom Harrell
September 20242,408
August 20245,429
July 20246,234
June 20245,438
May 20242,829
April 20242,479
March 20242,204
February 20243,415
January 20248,565
December 20231,773
November 20231,561
October 20232,200
September 20232,200
August 20232,861
July 20233,967
June 20234,473
May 20232,987
April 20231,506
March 20231,932
February 20231,018
January 20231,711
December 20221,325
November 20221,262
October 20221,192
September 20221,313

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