Stefan Bauer

<p>Stefan Bauer is internationally regarded as an excellent instrumentalist, and as a dynamic and flexible improviser who competently moves within a wide spectrum between mainstream and avantgarde. "Bauer is a player of no uncertain gifts, strong in the technique and introspective feeling... " (Josef Woodard, Jazziz). He has appeared at Festivals from Abidjan to Zürich and on tours of most Western European countries, of Africa, India, the Balkans, Canada, and in Seoul/South Korea in 1988. His seven CD's to date feature musicians like Kenny Wheeler, Matthias Nadolny, Charlie Mariano, Christoph Haberer, Tim Hagans, Ramesh Shotham, Mick Goodrick, Adam Nussbaum, Paul McCandless, Howard Levy, Thomas Alkier among others, and more than 40 of his original composition. Most recent activities include a concert as a guest soloist and composer with the WDR Big Band Cologne directed by Vince Mendoza, performances at the Jazzkaar Festival in Tallinn/Estonia and a tour of Germany with his NY ensemble presenting his latest CD 'Voyage' (with Chris Bacas-ss, Michal Cohen-voice, Bauer-vibes/marimba, Ugonna Okegwo-b, Ted Poor-dr).</p><p>Please see also:</p><p>http: //www. myspace. com/stefanbauervoyage</p><p>www. stefanbauer. net</p><p>Stefan Bauer on Youtube</p>