Statistics of Laia Genc

Laia Genc
piano, Komposition, Arrangement
Laia is a freelance musician living and working in the rich Cologne music scene and playing all around Europe and in the world with her own projects as well as a sidewoman. Laia is a proud holder of several European jazzensemble prices as well as solopianoprices that she awarded whether on her own or with her pianotrio 'LiaisonTonique' which is the heart of her work since 2005. Since then the band has recorded it 's third cd and is playing concerts all around the world.
Laia Genc
March 20251,865
February 20252,376
January 20252,730
December 20241,764
November 20242,129
October 20243,656
September 20243,970
August 20245,093
July 20245,858
June 20244,106
May 20242,263
April 20241,961
March 20241,798
February 20242,679
January 20247,002
December 20231,443
November 20231,198
October 20231,840
September 20232,891
August 20235,251
July 20238,776
June 202311,374
May 20239,379
April 20231,915
March 20231,631

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