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Statistics of Bar Filipowicz

double bass
23 year old Israeli Bass player Bar Filipowicz is an upcoming talent in the global jazz scene. Bar has performed in some of the most well known festivals in the world including Montreaux jazz festival in Switzerland, Monterey jazz festival in California and Red sea jazz festival in Israel to name a few. Bar picked up the electric bass at the age of 8, and ventured into the upright bass world as a teenager. Currently living in New York, Bar is a sought after musician in the NY jazz scene, supporting local and international artists. Bar played with artists such as Ron Minis trio, Emil Afrasiyab Trio, and shared the stage with musicians such as Avishai Cohen (trumpet), Wayne Tucker, Dekel Bor, Matan Chapnizki and more. aside from being a sideman, Bar is currently working on his own own music and performing in various NYC jazz clubs.
September 2024336
August 2024442
July 2024488
June 2024338
May 2024221
April 2024247
March 2024199
February 2024367
January 2024763
December 2023137
November 2023286
October 2023134

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