Statistics of Paul Heller

Paul Heller
saxophone, flute, clarinet
PAUL HELLER's musical opus has been documented up to now in three solo albums ('Paul Heller', 1994; 'Kaleidoscope', 1996; 'Little Songs', 2000) and numerous productions and publications as sideman and co-leader, for example with Ack van Rooyen in the 'Paul Heller - Ack van Rooyen Quintet', with Roman Schwaller and Johnny Griffin in the sextet called'Three Generations of Tenorsaxophone'.
Paul Heller
March 202510,043
February 202511,498
January 202515,132
December 20248,689
November 20248,357
October 202415,885
September 202419,909
August 202426,421
July 202428,980
June 202427,465
May 202412,914
April 202412,714
March 202411,326
February 202418,651
January 202447,850
December 202310,907
November 20238,488
October 202312,719
September 202313,391
August 202319,606
July 202319,920
June 202322,488
May 202315,415
April 20239,539
March 202311,808