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The Cologne Jazz Trio 'neuzeit' create their own inventive, extravagant and entertaining interpretation of classical masterpieces.
Virtuosic, imaginative, playful - well-known music becomes a new sensual experience of sound. And even those people have so far never shown any interest in Jazz or Classical music now get together at the most entertaining concerts.

The Cologne Jazz Trio 'neuzeit' create their own inventive, extravagant and entertaining interpretation of classical masterpieces.
Virtuosic, imaginative, playful - well-known music becomes a new sensual experience of sound. And even those people who have so far never shown any interest in Jazz or Classical music now get together at the most entertaining concerts.

The first project of neuzeit are the Carmina Burana by Carl Orff. For their Orff music interpretation, neuzeit was looking for melodically and rhythmically independent parts which at the same time could provide an inspiring basis for extemporizations. Staying foccused at the essence of the work new musical experiences have arisen. From the selected piece of music, modern influences were taken in and refined. In the neuzeit version some of the tracks sound like “hand-made” Techno music, others like a post-modern Bossa Nova, like a Jazz ballad or even like a popsong chorus. But the uniqueness of Orff’s masterpiece always remains visible.

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