Statistics of Henrik Freischlader

Henrik Freischlader
Three instruments and one voice - this is enough to move the German blues scene. Henrik Freischlader (guitar/vocals), Oliver Schmellenkamp (bass) and Dirk Sengotta (drums) are regarded as one of Germany's best bluesrock bands. Due to their absolutely professional performances, the band has made it from a hot tip to 'the hope of the blues in Germany' (Home of Rock) within two years.

The band demonstrates its passion for the blues in its debut album: Blues without any compromises. The CD exclus
Henrik Freischlader
March 202510,345
February 20258,627
January 202512,246
December 20247,717
November 20246,315
October 202413,512
September 202416,698
August 202420,158
July 202421,494
June 202417,033
May 20245,114
April 20246,421
March 20247,642
February 202411,123
January 202422,785
December 20235,086
November 20233,713
October 20235,901
September 20237,489
August 202313,056
July 20233,785
June 20233,386
May 20232,566
April 20231,455
March 20232,624

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