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Statistics of CD releases von Rupp/Fischer/Schubert + Roil

CD releases von Rupp/Fischer/Schubert + Roil
Trio Rupp/Fischer/Schubert (Wiesbaden-Berlin): CD “PHUGURIT”, GLIGG-records
Wer die jeweilige Musik der Drei kennt, wird sich ausmalen können, welch facettenreiches Potential im Trio steckt.
Roil (Sidney-Berlin): CD “Frost Frost”, Bo’ Weavil records
“A beautifully weighted trio, full of delicacy, mesmerizing accumulations of detail and engulfing power.” John Clare
CD releases von Rupp/Fischer/Schubert + Roil
September 2024252
August 2024462
July 2024561
June 2024464
May 2024296
April 2024166
March 2024179
February 2024298
January 2024827
December 2023177
November 2023177
October 2023277
September 2023247
August 2023277
July 2023353
June 2023395
May 2023241
April 2023104
March 2023112
February 202331
January 202391
December 202247
November 202262
October 202269
September 2022113

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