statistics of Stockach

Baden-Württemberg, Germany
There are currently 13 jazz concerts registered in Stockach, and there are 42 more jazz concerts in the Stockach area.
March 20256,130
February 20255,880
January 20256,748
December 20244,297
November 20244,774
October 20244,851
September 20244,334
August 202410,027
July 202411,616
June 202410,232
May 20245,790
April 20246,283
March 20245,021
February 20245,813
January 202414,943
December 20234,411
November 20234,610
October 20235,822
September 20233,015
August 20234,485
July 20239,964
June 202310,929
May 20239,412
April 20234,770
March 20235,740

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