CD: Paradox Dreambox

Paradox Dreambox / Peter Gall

Peter Gall

publication date: 21 Sep 2018
In the past 12 years, Peter Gall has distinguished himself as a sovereign meter and composer in various bands, such as Subtone (with Florian Hoefner, Magnus Schriefl and Matthias Pichler, among others) or Roberto Di Gioia's Web Web (with Tony Lakatos, among others). Gall can be heard as a drummer on around 30 albums so far, including in his brother Chris' trio, with Blume (with Schriefl, Wanja Slavin, Bernhard Meyer), the Rainer Böhm Quartet, Torsten Goods and Enik; he has also been engaged by luminaries such as Kurt Rosenwinkel or Thomas Quasthoff and many more. Now the musician, who has been back in Berlin since his diploma studies (with John Hollenbeck, among others) and a two-year stay in New York, presents his first own production, Paradox Dreambox. It does not overwhelm with exuberant drumming, but seduces with melodic arcs and multi-layered arrangements, nuanced band interactions and latent energy even in quieter passages.
Paradox Dreambox / Peter Gall
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