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Jazz-Events with Juergen Kupke

Mitglied verschiedener Jazzgruppen: FRIGG, TA LAM ACHT, HANNES ZERBE BLECHBAND, The Clarinet Trio...;
Projekte, Konzerte, Tourneen u.a. mit Hannes Zerbe, Willelm Breuker, Misha Mengelberg, Hermann Keller, Ulrich Gumpert; Gebhard Ullmann, Volker Schlott, Lauren Newton, Joelle Léandre, Uschi Brüning, Elliot Sharp, David Tronzo...;
Nov 2024
Tue 21:00
b flat Acoustic Music & Jazz Club
Berlin, Germany
Nov 2024
Thu 19:00
Museum of Musical Instruments
Berlin, Germany
Feb 2025
Fri 20:00
Jazz-Studio Nuremberg
Nuremberg, Germany
Feb 2025
Sat 20:00
Jazz Club Bamberg e. V.
Bamberg, Germany

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