Axel Zwingenberger

Axel Zwingenberger
Blues & Boogie Woogie piano virtuoso.
Internationialy highly acclaimed specialist of this rare artform. He plays since the 1970s as a soloist as well as in many combinations live on stage and also on recordings. The result so far: more than 5000 concerts worldwide and more than 30 CDs on the market.
Axel Zwingenberger

Facts about Axel Zwingenberger:

* plays Blues- and Boogie Woogie-Piano

* born in Hamburg, Germany

* 11 years of classical piano lessons

* 1st performance with Boogie Woogie: February 3rd 1973

* more than 4000 concerts in about 50 countries on 4 continents (Europe, Americas, Africa, Asia)

* so far sold: about 500000 CDs/LPs

* 30 CDs published in his own right: 409 tunes recorded, including 214 of his own compositions

* sheet music book with complete transcriptions – for the first time non-simplified, world wide! - of 12 of his own Boogie Woogie and Blues compositions

* dozens of TV- and radio appearances internationally

* tours, concerts and/or recording sessions with musicians like: Lionel Hampton, Jay McShann, Big Joe Turner, Lloyd Glenn, Joe Newman, Sippie Wallace, Champion Jack Dupree, Sammy Price, Ray Bryant, Charlie Watts, Vince Weber, Red Holloway, Mojo Blues Band, Big Joe Duskin, Bill Wyman, Big Jay McNeely and many more

* role model, initial figure and mentor for many young Blues and Boogie Woogie pianists

* hobby: steam railways and taking photos of them

* fall of 2000: Axel Zwingenberger publishes his first photo book »Vom Zauber der Züge« (»The magic of trains«) with more than 200 of his night shots, 2 CDs and a transcription of his original composition »Thundertrain«

* 2004: Austrian Mail publishes a series of stamps »Axel Zwingenberger plays Boogie Woogie«, followed by another with his train photos

* 2006: Axel Zwingenberger sets up a foundation for the preservation of steam engine 18 201 (the fastest operable steam locomotive in the world)

* 2007: in the US Axel gets inducted into the »Boogie Woogie Hall Of Fame«

* 2009: concerts in the UK and later on the continent »The ABC&D of Boogie Woogie« with Axel, Ben Waters (p), Charlie Watts (dr) & Dave Green (b)

* 2010: CD Nr. 30: »The Magic of Boogie Woogie« with Charlie Watts aud Dave Green

* 2012: Axel's new Fanseite - visit, like & share it: Facebook

* 2012/13: three part Boogie Woogie piano lecture in US Keybord Magazine

* 2015: cover story - 5 pages interveiw ans story in Concerto magazine

*2016: acclaimed 'Hamburg Piano Summer' concert series at the States Opera

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