Matthias Schriefl

Matthias Schriefl
trompette, bugle, Bariton
'His improvisational ideas are highly mature and adventurous. His execution of some ridiculous intervallic moves will make you shake your head. He is the BEST trumpet player I have heard using multi-phonics. (I should get lessons from this kid! ). Matthias' compositions and arrangements are intriguing, humorous, challenging, intelligent and emotionally sensitive. (... ) Matthias Schriefl has arrived and deserves to be heard by the entire jazz community!!! '
Bobby Shew
Matthias Schriefl

www. myspace. com/matthiasschriefl

www. myspace. com/shreefpunk

www. myspace. com/deujazz

www. myspace. com/brazilianmotions

www. myspace. com/generationsoftrumpets


Matthias Schriefl, born in 1981, comes from the south German region of the Allgäu. He received his first trumpet and piano lessons as a 7 year-old, won the national competition "Youth Music" aged 11 and took over the job of directing his school's big band in ninth grade, leading them to perform his first compositions.

Aged 15, he was the youngest member of the Bavarian State Jazz Orchestra and the national BundesJazzOrchester. It was in the latter formation, that he met the musicians who made up his first band Sidewinders, which in 1999 took first prize in the "Youth Jazz" competition at national level.

Schriefl was already a student at Munich's Richard-Strauss-Conservatory during his school days. After school, he studied with Andy Haderer at the Music Academy in Cologne from 2000-2005. During this time he held a composition grant from the German music council, and a Socrates fellowship, which financed a one year stay in Amsterdam. Still a student, he was invited to play with well-established bands.

In 2002, he toured with Peter Herbolzheimers Rhythm-Combination&Brass, besides being a regular sub with the radio big bands of WDR, HR, and NDR. Currently Schriefl is leading various projects in his adopted hometown Cologne, as well as organising the live jazz series "Jazz-O-Rama".

He can also be heard as a soloist, with the WDR big band, among other formations. He has been a member of the European Jazz Ensemble since 2006, replacing Allan Botschinsky, who had to cancel for health reasons. He toured with the band in the spring of 2006. In the summer of the same year, he went on a tour of Europe with the New York band "Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings". In the beginning of 2007 he toured as lead trumpet player with the European Movement Orchestra in Portugal, Slovenia, Croatia and Germany, the repertoire of the Band also consisting of Schriefl's compositions. In spring 2007 Schriefl was touring with his Band Shreefpunk through the Estonia, England and Austria and in Summer in Australia. In May 2007 he played with the Indian Stars R. A. Ramamani und T. A. S. Mani in Malaysia.

Schriefl has received numerous awards as a soloist, composer and band leader, the latest of these being the WDR jazz prize for improvisation (2006), which honoured his unique, virtuoso playing as well as his musical sense of humour.

Schriefl has worked as a soloist and composer for the WDR big band. He has performed as a soloist with the NDR and HR radio big bands and has played with many more internationally renowned artists, like: Jay Ashby, Till Brönner, Barbara Dennerlein, Bill Dobbins, Gerd Dudek, Dusko Goykovich, Peter Herbolzheimers Rhythm Combination&Brass, Daniel Humair, Rick Kiefer, Lee Konitz, Joachim Kühn, Nils Landgren, Emil Mangelsdorff, Charlie Mariano, Adrian Mears, Don Menza, Dick Oatts, Claudio Roditi, Eugene Rousseau, John Ruocco, Manfred Schoof, Gunther Schuller, Bobby Shew, Alan Skidmore, Jiri Stivin, Markus Stockhausen, Stan Sulzmann, Nils Wogram, Phil Woods, Connection Latina, European Jazz Ensemble, New York Voices, Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, and others.

Projects (excerpt):

• deujazz (with singer Anette von Eichel): German jazz from the first half of the 20th century

• Shreefpunk (Jazz, punk, and sometimes even strings thrown in for the bargain)

• 2 Generations of Trumpets (with Andy Haderer): swinging compositions by Schriefl. The two trumpeters are also heard on baritone horn, valve trombone, piccolo trumpet and various horns.

• United Groove-O-Rama: contemporary grooves with electronic effects; compositions by Mattis Cederberg and Matthias Schriefl

• Schmittmenge Meier: 2 musicians from Berlin und 2 musicians from Cologne play contemporary acoustic jazz.

• Mutantenstadl: Bavarian jazz-comedy.

• Brazilian Motions (with singer Patricia Cruz): Brazilian-inspired music for string quartet, jazz combo and singer.

Recordings (excerpt):

- Matthias Schriefl: Shreefpunk plus strings (ACT, www. actmusic. com)

- two generations of trumpets, live im Stadtgarten (CMO, www. myspace. com/generationsoftrumpets)

- deujazz, Kauf dir einen bunten Luftballon (blue concept, www. myspace. com/deujazz)

- Together, Bavarian First Herd (www. ljjb. de)

- Sidewinders, Die Bestie (Mons, www. monsrecords. de/Jazz/Modern)

- Matthias Schriefl, Brazilian Motions (www. myspace. com/brazilianmotions)

"I have had the good fortune to sort-of watch Matthias Schriefl "grow up", musically. When I first met him in the Bavarian Youth Jazz Orchestra, he was around 15. I could tell that he had a creative mind but a young embouchure, yet to develop. His early lessons with me were centered around getting his body to coordinate with his ideas and energy. What you hear on this latest CD is evidence of what can happen to a player who dedicates himself to alot of commitment, hard work, and caring about how he plays. His chops are working beyond belief as you'll hear. His improvisational ideas are highly mature and adventurous. His execution of some ridiculous intervallic moves will make you shake your head. He is the BEST trumpet player I have heard using multi-phonics. (I should get lessons from this kid! ). Matthias' compositions and arrangements are intriguing, humorous, challenging, intelligent, and emotionally sensitive. His support group is also tremendous, playing right up to Matthias' demands. There is not one dull moment on the entire CD. I really hope this gets released and played in the entire world. Matthias Schriefl has arrived and deserves to be heard by the entire jazz community!!! "

Bobby Shew

Jazz Trumpet Artist

Professor of Jazz Trumpet, Univ. of Southern California

Los Angeles

"Like a pressure valve that suddenly explodes – this is how Matthias Schriefl burst into the German Jazz Scene this year with his CD debut. The 26 year old combines progressive Modern Jazz with bolshy punk attacks, reckless string arrangements and heart-warming melodies. To crown it all there is a trumpet that has no peer when it comes to virtuosity, boldness and its inexorably expressiveness. "

Portrait in Deutschlandfunk at May 11 / 2007


"I am referring to "Shreefpunk plus Strings" by trumpet player Matthias Schriefl from the Allgäu, who does not give a damn about nothing in his compositions. With a string quartet on board some balladic moments are due, but manic weird Bebop or highly complex structures with zappaesque and definitely humorous elements can also be found. Above all there is Schriefl's performance with his tonal steadiness and his incredible richness of sounds, due to which the 25 year old is without doubt one of the most auspicious figures of the young German jazz scene. "

Udo Eberl in Südwest Presse, April 18, 2007


"If somebody at the age of 25 has already earned as many laurels as Matthias Schriefl, you can certainly expect a lot from his debut under his own name. The trumpet player comes up to all expectations and raises new ones... Matthias Schriefl has everything that accounts for a remarkable musician: unusual ideas, brilliant technique and a good portion of comedy and cheekiness, which is needed to arouse not only approving astonishment in the audience, but real excitement. "

Guido Diesling in Jazzthetik, March 2007


"Matthias Schriefl is a phenomenon, because at the very age of 25 he already has the capacity to convey his own musical world… On the CD Schriefl presents a tongue-in-cheek mix of jazz avantgarde and contemporary classics with tough punk attitude and a traditional quartet, and he's brushing it against the grain – a perfect fun

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