Statistics of Albrecht Maurer

Albrecht Maurer
violin, viola, Fidel, Rebec
looking for concerts, I play in different groups, a contemporary jazz stile, and new jazz compositions on ancient instruments.
Albrecht Maurer
March 2025174
February 2025537
January 2025674
December 2024497
November 2024526
October 2024787
September 2024921
August 20241,253
July 20241,293
June 20241,159
May 2024493
April 2024545
March 2024581
February 2024754
January 20241,906
December 2023409
November 2023369
October 2023491
September 2023558
August 2023659
July 2023837
June 20231,057
May 2023633
April 2023333
March 2023396

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