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James Blood Ulmer

James Blood Ulmer was once described by the omnipotent Village Voice music critic and co-founder of the Black Rock Coalition, Greg Tate, as: '…the missing link between Jimi Hendrix and Wes Montgomery on one hand, between P-Funk and Mississippi Fred McDowell on the other. ' Indeed, the 59-year old guitarist, vocalist and composer hovers atop the pantheon of American music mavericks. Forging an unyielding synthesis of musical styles, vision and virtuosity, Ulmer has left an indelible mark on those keen ears who've dared to follow him to that intangible place where the fiercest, most holy music occurs.

James Blood Ulmer was once described by the omnipotent Village Voice music critic and co-founder of the Black Rock Coalition, Greg Tate, as: '…the missing link between Jimi Hendrix and Wes Montgomery on one hand, between P-Funk and Mississippi Fred McDowell on the other. ' Indeed, the 59-year old guitarist, vocalist and composer hovers atop the pantheon of American music mavericks. Forging an unyielding synthesis of musical styles, vision and virtuosity, Ulmer has left an indelible mark on those keen ears who've dared to follow him to that intangible place where the fiercest, most holy music occurs.

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