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Blue Exercise

Blue Exercise
The band around the Konstanz saxophonist Klaus Knöpfle is a collective that acts as a homogeneous unit, as a musical organism. He has been playing together with Reto Giacopuzzi on drums and Roland Christen on e-bass from St. Gallen since 1996 and so the 3 musicians have in the meantime developed a dreamlike feeling of "being able to rely". They offer the familiar atmosphere that acts as a condition for the soloist to explore the risk of improvisation to its limits. "

Their music has the magical attraction and bewitching charisma of a grown community. Grooves of different styles mix with themes swinging over them and improvisation excursions that sometimes seem catchy, colorful, then again abstract and bizarre, the whole thing packed with great joy in playing. In doing so, this band takes far more into account than the musical aspects of a live performance and plays exciting concerts that are characterized by unassumed authenticity.
Blue Exercise

The band around the Konstanz saxophonist Klaus Knöpfle is a collective that acts as a homogeneous unit, as a musical organism. He has been playing together with Reto Giacopuzzi on drums and Roland Christen on e-bass from St. Gallen since 1996 and so the 3 musicians have in the meantime developed a dreamlike feeling of "being able to rely". They offer the familiar atmosphere that acts as a condition for the soloist to explore the risk of improvisation to its limits. "

Their music has the magical attraction and bewitching charisma of a grown community. Grooves of different styles mix with themes swinging over them and improvisation excursions that sometimes seem catchy, colorful, then again abstract and bizarre, the whole thing packed with great joy in playing. In doing so, this band takes far more into account than the musical aspects of a live performance and plays exciting concerts that are characterized by unassumed authenticity.

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