statistics of Lübbecke

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
There are currently 5 jazz concerts registered in Lübbecke, and there are 21 more jazz concerts in the Lübbecke area.
March 2025586
February 20252,557
January 20252,927
December 20241,853
November 20241,138
October 20242,155
September 20243,133
August 20245,553
July 20245,767
June 20243,087
May 20241,646
April 20241,804
March 2024510
February 2024308
January 2024750
December 2023181
November 2023138
October 2023224
September 2023288
August 2023761
July 20231,412
June 20231,342
May 2023893
April 2023613
March 2023858

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