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Statistics of The Nu Band

The Nu Band
'What sets the group apart is its fresh, energetic approach to improvisation... As a whole, Live has exactly the kind of freshness that listeners might expect from the personalities who form the Nu Band collective. Nobody's in charge here, and the fact that the quartet works so well is a tribute to its members' respect for each other. If you dig Other Dimensions In Music, another collective free quartet which includes Campbell, you'll find a lot of similarities here. '
Nils Jacobson All About J
The Nu Band
September 2024366
August 2024586
July 2024753
June 2024779
May 2024318
April 2024334
March 2024347
February 2024484
January 20241,146
December 2023319
November 2023211
October 2023349
September 2023406
August 2023386
July 2023470
June 2023593
May 2023433
April 2023119
March 2023202
February 2023112
January 2023489
December 2022151
November 2022107
October 202280
September 2022118

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