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Far removed from any thoughts of over-used and much-abused revival-projects, an idea germinated in Chemnitz and Berlin; combine the unique music of the Beatles with contemporary improvised music.

Far removed from any thoughts of over-used and much-abused revival-projects, an idea germinated in Chemnitz and Berlin; combine the unique music of the Beatles with contemporary improvised music.

The songs' inspired melody lines are the perfect foundation on which to build this new music project. It is an amazing thing for Beatles songs to burst forth on-stage. Clear melodies and crisp improvisations intertwine.

The Beatles would have been even more successful when they had had Joe Sachse as guitarist. He is playing here at the peak of his form, on the edge of his outer limits...

What the press has to say:

We can celebrate this music sitting comfortably in our living rooms listening on our high-end stereo sets,

as Ernst Bier slams the beat home like some rock drummer, and Sachse incites his guitar to clatter, rattle, and screech, even when a song like 'My Guitar Gently Weeps' seems to call for exactly the opposite. Sometimes Joe Sachse blows on the flute while he beats on parts of the guitar's body. Respectfully dismantle and then re-assemble the music, and then sell the guitar teacher as the punch-line - ever since he played 'Round About Mittweida', this has been Sachse's understanding of jazz.

But those who know Bier and Sachse can imagine Ernst Bier grinning behind the drum set as Joe Sachse, with his impressive eyebrows, winks at jazz history. Between us, jazz is occasionally strange, childish, and, in a lovely way, peculiarly folksy

Joe Sachse, Ernst Bier: Helter Skelter - Beatles Forever (Born & Bellmann)..


Smooth, tender sounds, humor, and a rustic resonance

Guitarist Joe Sachse's and drummer Ernst Bier's live-recorded homage 'Helter Skelter - Beatles Forever' is a recent release. The musical ideas of the lads from Liverpool have in the meantime taken on a folk-like aura. The way the duo grabs hold of theses ideas is refreshing: they transform the pieces into scarcely recognizable jazz gems - gems that never go against the grain of the originals. Listen, for instance, to 'Within You Without You' and the way they dig out the drama that the Beatles had buried under a series of catchy riffs.

Freie Presse/Chemnitz

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