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Statistics of Hildegard Pohl Trio Gast: Rebecca Martin

Hildegard Pohl Trio Gast: Rebecca Martin
Das Hildegard Pohl Trio spielt verswingte Klassik und Opernhits, Rebecca Martin, international arbeitender Opernstar, singt Jazzstandards und Musical. Jazziges Crossover erster Sahne!!
Hildegard Pohl Trio Gast: Rebecca Martin
September 2024263
August 2024474
July 2024460
June 2024462
May 2024191
April 2024203
March 2024195
February 2024353
January 2024647
December 2023181
November 2023155
October 2023225
September 2023259
August 2023255
July 2023306
June 2023317
May 2023218
April 202320
March 202393
February 202393
January 202392
December 2022471
November 202274
October 202240
September 202277

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