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Bucher's Organ Book

Bucher's Organ Book
Hammond Mania

Die Erfolgsformel für Groove-Jazz mit Blue-Note-Touch lautet: Eine Orgel, eine Gitarre und ein Schlagzeug. Dieses Trio um den Gitarristen Michael Bucher bringt diese Formel zeitgemäss auf den (Siede-) Punkt!
Bucher's Organ Book

style matters

Bucher’s Organ Book is not some kind of organ donor register. It is the most recent project by hyperactive Zurich guitarist Michael Bucher, who after several attempts at expanding his band to a quartet or a quintet has returned to a trio that seems almost austere – an organ trio with no bass but with percussion. He has found a symbiotic partner in Freiburg-based organist Thomas Bauser, who carved a name for himself in the German-speaking jazz scene as a virtuoso on the legendary Hammond B3. Bauser lives for his instrument and is at ease with its entire tonal range – from its deep whispers and oscillating, floating soundscapes to its tripping scale cascades, its hisses and its typical throaty cries, he knows how to get the most out of the registers that characterise this classic instrument. Over the years, Bauser has developed his nonchalant and energetic style, which never comes across as forced and always remains intensely connected with the compositions – all penned by Michael Bucher. The pace is set by Lukas Mantel, a creative and versatile drummer with a background in hip-hop. Mantel masterfully builds a rhythmic scaffold and acts as a propelling time machine, generating atmospheric soundscapes and constantly interacting with his frontmen in a sensitive way. The trio's reduced texture offers plenty of room for Bucher’s guitar music to unfold, alternating between a crystal-clear classic diction and nervous wrenching sounds. With his highly complex improvisations, the wide arcs of melody and his ironic quotes, Bucher stands for perfect skill and intelligent guitar jazz. Bucher’s Organ Book contains delicate, softly plucked ballads, dynamic swing and clear-cut straight jazz tunes as well as cheerful Latin grooves – all magically stylish and terribly elegant.

Text: Nicolai Kobus

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