Workshop: Acoustic Guitar Blues and Beyond Workshop

Your course will develop your repertoire and knowledge of songs and tunes while introducing you to topics such as:
Arm, wrist, hand and finger exercises and technique to develop requisite strength/flexibility and to avoid risk of straining.
Listening/aural skills - recognising chords, hearing and predicting chord changes.
Twelve bar blues forms and progressions in different keys with rhythmic options at differing tempos.
Minor Pentatonic Scales for soloing
Ensemble playing - Starting with simple forms and practicing to high levels of clarity, timing, tone and expressiveness, then gradually developing complexity.
Further technique such as string bending, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs, finger picking, open tunings and slide technique.
The course is delivered with a differentiated approach to support each player?s level of development

Your course will develop your repertoire and knowledge of songs and tunes while introducing you to topics such as:

Arm, wrist, hand and finger exercises and technique to develop requisite strength/flexibility and to avoid risk of straining.
Listening/aural skills - recognising chords, hearing and predicting chord changes.
Twelve bar blues forms and progressions in different keys with rhythmic options at differing tempos.
Minor Pentatonic Scales for soloing
Ensemble playing - Starting with simple forms and practicing to high levels of clarity, timing, tone and expressiveness, then gradually developing complexity.
Further technique such as string bending, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs, finger picking, open tunings and slide technique.

The course is delivered with a differentiated approach to support each player?s level of development

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