Workshop: Piano by Ear for Wellbeing - Intermediate

This is a course that takes away the stress of reading music or studying the theory of it. It is maintained that the mark of a good musician is actually to respond in his aural senses to music sound and is able to play it on an instrument. The learner is introduced to easy and catchy popular music ranging from classical, pop, jazz to some popular music jingles on radio and television. The individual is guided and taught to play and enjoy without any reading or examination.
This course is for those who have completed the beginner's course or who have some experience of playing piano.

This is a course that takes away the stress of reading music or studying the theory of it. It is maintained that the mark of a good musician is actually to respond in his aural senses to music sound and is able to play it on an instrument. The learner is introduced to easy and catchy popular music ranging from classical, pop, jazz to some popular music jingles on radio and television. The individual is guided and taught to play and enjoy without any reading or examination.

This course is for those who have completed the beginner's course or who have some experience of playing piano.

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