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Alben von Norma Winstone

Norma Winstone
'Norma Winstone's voice
is one of the glories
of contemporary jazz'
Norma Winstone
Manhattan in the Rain
Manhattan in the Rain
Norma Winstone
The Heart Is a Lotus
The Heart Is a Lotus
Michael Garick Sextett with Norma Winstone
Lime Blossom
Lime Blossom
Norma Winstone
It's Later Than You Think
It's Later Than You Think
Norma Winstone and the NDR BigBand
Somewhere Called Home
Somewhere Called Home
Norma Winstone
Like Song Like Weather
Like Song Like Weather
Norma Winstone & John Taylor
Dreaming Man With Blue Suede Shoes
Dreaming Man With Blue Suede Shoes
Colin Towns' Mask Symphonic
Siren'S Song
Siren'S Song
Kenny Wheeler, Norma Winstone, John Taylor with Maritim Jazz Orchestra
Well Kept Secret
Well Kept Secret
Norma Winstone

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