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Statistiken von Maria de Fatima

Maria de Fatima
Fluent in the universal language of feelings, Maria de Fatima can make people homesick with a vague, nostalgic feeling called saudade The Brazilians express saudade with a tropical beat, the Portuguese with the melancholy strains of a fado, and the jazz greats express it with the blues. Maria de Fatima pulls it all together in her own unique way.

Maria de Fatima touches people with her unmistakable sound in concerts and workshops throughout Europe. She was awarded the 2010 BMW Jazz Award.
Maria de Fatima
Januar 202512
Dezember 2024154
November 2024124
Oktober 2024304
September 2024322
August 2024501
Juli 2024487
Juni 2024440
Mai 2024257
April 2024276
März 2024176
Februar 2024362
Januar 2024643
Dezember 2023152
November 2023121
Oktober 2023177
September 2023237
August 2023291
Juli 2023407
Juni 2023493
Mai 2023240
April 202361
März 202361
Februar 202331
Januar 202354

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