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Statistiken von Kenny Barron

Kenny Barron
Pianist, composer and arranger, Kenny Barron has worked with Jazz greats his entire career. In the early '60s, after several years of freelance work, he joined Dizzy Gillespie's band, where he developed his appreciation of Latin Caribbean rhythms. In the early '70s Kenny got a college degree, formed his own band, and recorded the first of over 40 albums. With six Grammy nominations to his credit Kenny Barron has been the pianist of choice for some of Jazz's greatest musicians.
Kenny Barron
Mai 20241.325
April 20242.702
März 20242.400
Februar 20243.864
Januar 202414.462
Dezember 20233.528
November 20231.598
Oktober 20233.558
September 20235.945
August 20234.603
Juli 20235.461
Juni 20234.676
Mai 20232.876
April 20231.737
März 20232.132
Februar 20231.166
Januar 20231.701
Dezember 20221.260
November 20221.026
Oktober 20221.158
September 20221.310
August 20222.331
Juli 20221.235
Juni 2022980
Mai 2022811

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