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Jazz-Konzerte mit John Di Martino

John Di Martino
John di Martino is a composer, arranger, jazz pianist, record producer, and educator, based in New York City. John composed the music for the documentary: “A Glimpse Of Paradise" aired on Europe’s Arte Channel. 
Mr. Di Martino's latest CD,’s “Passion Flower” (the music of Billy Strayhorn), is distributed by Sunnyside Records featuring  Raul Midon, Eric Alexander, Boris Kozlov, and Lewis Nash (2020).  “Mazel” (Yiddish Songs, re-imagined), with Janis Siegel and Cantor Daniel Krammer (2020) & “Cryin’ In My Whiskey” (Country Songs) with Janis Siegel (2021).
John has recorded numerous CDs on the High Note and Venus Records (Japan) labels as a leader, and with Freddy Cole,  Gloria Lynn, Houston Person, and Nicki Parrott.  John’s discography includes Grammy-nominated CD’S:  ”Love" (Issac Delgado), "Freddy Cole Sings Mr. B"  and "Live And In Clave" (Bobby Sanabria). 
John Di Martino

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