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Statistiken von Dietmar Fuhr

Dietmar Fuhr
Bassist Dietmar Fuhr from Cologne, has very strong credentials in the German Jazz scene. A much in demand and widely experienced player with a big sound and great time feel, he really propels a rhythm section with his tone and bouyant walking. he is perfectley suited for the variety of roles the bass has to play in the music: traditional bass, solist and independent melodic voice. As a product of the "Musikhochschule Köln", Dietmar has played and recorded with a number of leaders including Achim Kaufmann, Nils Wogram, Enrico Rava, Richie Beirach, David Liebmann, Vic Juris, Jochen Rückert, John Schröder, Danny Gottlieb, Billy Elgart, George Garzone, Leszek Sadlo, Matthias Schubert, Bill Dobbins, Antonio Farao, a. o
Dietmar Fuhr
Mai 20241.785
April 20244.616
März 20242.290
Februar 20243.411
Januar 20248.647
Dezember 20231.822
November 20231.628
Oktober 20232.443
September 20232.840
August 20233.148
Juli 20234.935
Juni 20235.464
Mai 20234.033
April 20232.264
März 20232.449
Februar 20231.394
Januar 20232.067
Dezember 20222.415
November 20223.306
Oktober 20222.169
September 20223.307
August 20225.327
Juli 20222.897
Juni 20221.260
Mai 20221.849

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