Jazz-Konzerte Keswick Jazz Festival

Dear Keswick Jazz and Blues customers,
Regrettably, and with a heavy heart, I have to announce to all Keswick Jazzers that the Festival is now cancelled.
It will be no surprise that this decision is due to the protective measures called for by the Government, and of course our duty to assist in this important effort. We truly hope festival-goers, artistes, volunteers and support staff will fully understand our most difficult position.
It has proved impossible to defer the festival to any other date this year due to the enormous logistical difficulties in securing the necessary venues and uncertainty over when this pandemic may abate.
I ask most kindly for your patience a little longer, please. A fuller statement will be released in due course.
Wishing you and your loved ones good health and the strength to persevere through these coming unsettling months.
Ian Jones,
Festival Director.
Datum noch nicht bekannt

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