
Seibolzing plays music that is rooted in Jazz and dance musics like Drum’n’Bass and Grunge, with an additional strong flavour of Venezuelan rhythms.
I write all compositions particularly for the great musicians in the band, using the transparency of a missing harmony instrument to form floating three-voiced melodies between saxophone, trombone and bass.
Seibolzing simultaneously makes people want to move their bodies and inspires their adventurous imagination.

Info Performers:
Raphael Rossé, Basel | trombone & euphonium
Roberto Koch, Basel | double & electric bass
Fred Heisler, Freiburg (DE) | drum set
Niko Seibold, Rodersdorf SO | alto & soprano saxes, compositions

Tickets / Eintrittskarten

September 20241.033
August 20245.074
Juli 2024572

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