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Phil's Music Lab

Phil's Music Lab
Modern Jazz

Philipp Rüttgers - Piano/Composition
Bert Lochs - Trumpet
Miguel Boelens - Sax
Nils van Haften - Sax
Vincent Veneman - Trombone
Tobias Nijboer - Bass Felix Schlarmann - Drums
Phil's Music Lab
A classical setting, rhythm section and four horns. Whats new? 
Inspired by the idea of creating music out of the moment and composing for a bigger orchestra Philipp created his Music Laboratory. It is a large ensemble providing a big fat sound, but at the same time it is flexible and spontaneous. The compositions are based on small musical stories. The soloists are part of this story as a bigger whole. The acoustic setting reaching from damped piano strings through basclarinet and muted horns provide a huge variety of soundscapes. Odd Meter Grooves, swing and free play are only parts used to transport energy and emotions to the audience.
Philipp chose acknowledged players from Holland in the Jazz and Improvised field. What makes them unique is their ability to play inside a strict arrangement and stand out as a first class soloist. 

In march 2014 this band recorded a live concert in Lux Theater Nijmegen. With the help of a successful crowdfunding campaign and the Nijmegen Cultuurfonds this album was released in November 2014. Please check the links below for an impression…

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